Cambridge team
Dr Carlos López-Gómez
Head, Policy Links, IfM Engage
Ella Whellams
Stakeholder Engagement, Policy Links, IfM Engage
Professor Sir Mike Gregory
Chair, Babbage Forum
Gordon Attenborough
Policy Lead, Babbage Forum
Sarah Cheung Johnson
Special Projects Manager, Babbage Forum & Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Policy
Dr Eoin O’Sullivan
Director, Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Policy
International network
Professor Antonio Andreoni
Professor of Development Economics at SOAS University of London, and Honorary Professor at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
Professor Suzanne Berger
Political Science Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
Professor Patrizio Bianchi
UNESCO Chair in Education, Growth and Equality.
William Boone Bonvillian
MIT Office of Open Learning MIT, US
Giulia Del Brenna
European Commission
Professor Arnoud De Meyer
Singapore Management University
Professor Marco R. Di Tommaso
Applied Economic Studies at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Professor Thomas Durand
Strategic Management, Cnam, Paris, France
Marco Kamiya
UNIDO Representative (UR) in Jakarta, for Indonesia, Timor Leste, Malaysia and the Philippines, and focal point for ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
Professor Christer Karlsson
Operations Management CBS, Denmark
Susie Kitchens
Imperial College London
Professor Thomas Kurfess
Chief Manufacturing Officer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Professor Tim Minshall
Professor of Innovation, University of Cambridge, and Head of the Institute for Manufacturing, UK
Professor Sangook Park
Senior Secretary to the President for Science and Technology
Dr Caetano C. R. Penna
Director, CGEE, Brazil
Dr Christian Rammer
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany
David Sainsbury
Chancellor, University of Cambridge, UK
Yukihiro Sato
IfM, University of Cambridge, UK
Professor Roberto Scazzieri
Economics, University of Bologna, National Lincei Academy, Bologna, Italy
Professor David J.Teece
Strategy, Berkeley Research Group UCB, US
Professor Xiaobo Wu
Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Director of National Institute for Innovation Management (NIIM), Zhejiang University, China
Meet the core CIIP team