Professor Marco R. Di Tommaso
He is Full Professor of Applied Economic Studies at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy (, co-founder and Director of CiMET – Italy’s National University Centre for Applied Economic Studies ( He is Life- Member Fellow of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK. He is also Senior Affiliate Research Fellow at BASC Berkeley University of California, US. In China he is Guest Honorary Professor both at South China University of Technology and South China Normal University.
He is Director of l’industria (Review of Industrial Economics and Polic, il Mulino, Italy), Associate Editor of Competition and Change (The Journal of Globalisation, Financialization and Political Economy, SAGE Publishing, New York, US). He is Member of the Scientific Board of SIEPI – The Italian Society of Industrial Economics and Policy.
He has collaborated at international level with universities, research centres, national and local governments, international institutions (EU, UNIDO, UNDP, UNITED NATIONS, OECD). He has promoted research fieldworks in many countries including China, Vietnam, Ethiopia, MENA countries, Italy, the US.
He has studied in Italy and the UK, he has been Visiting Scholar in China (SCUT – South China University of Technology), in the US (UCLA – University of California Los Angeles), in UK (University of Cambridge).
He has focussed his research activity on: International Industry (trends, dynamics and organization); Industrial Policy (theories, history and practices); Development, Structural Change, and Sustainability (theoretical perspectives and empirical analysis). A special attention has been addressed to Chinese Economy and Industry; Health Industry; Energy and Transition Policy; SMEs, Clusters and local development.
He has promoted and coordinated research projects in partnership with international networks of academics, universities and institutions. He has actively participated in the debate within the scientific community by presenting his works at seminars, workshops and conferences both in Italy and abroad.
His writings have been diffused and presented at international level: he has authored and co-authored 13 Books and more than 150 scientific papers published in professional journals including World Development, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, China Economic Review, Regional Studies, Review of Political Economy.

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