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A Manifesto for Global Industrial Safety

Published on July 17th 2024

A project for Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit (GMIS)

Worldwide, there are around 340 million work-related accidents every year. New technologies like the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and advanced robotics enable more innovative products, intelligent factories and flexible supply chains. These innovations can put workers’ health at risk. But they also offer an opportunity to help improve workplace safety.

Developed in collaboration with GMIS Lloyd’s Register Foundation and UNIDO, the Manifesto for Global Industrial Safety defines a collective set of industry principles that use technology to address emerging and long-standing safety risks affecting workers across the globe. It promotes the safe adoption of technology in new industrial processes and highlights the need to support developing countries that are disproportionally affected by workplace accidents.

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