Committed to supporting more effective and robust industrial innovation policymaking, The Babbage Forum reflects a growing concern among practitioners and academics that at a time of increasing complexity and challenge, systematic policymaking in science, technology and innovation leaves much to be desired. Bringing together senior practitioners with leading international academic figures from the disciplines of engineering, operations and economics; The Babbage Forum combines a multidisciplinary approach with an examination of international practice.
Babbage Activity
Key industrial innovation policymaking trends and challenges; national drivers and approaches to industrial innovation policy; international comparisons; effective practices and exemplars.
News, reports & papers -
Babbage Symposium
The annual Symposium and our smaller events seek to enable deeper cross-disciplinary understanding and better integrated foundations for policy deliberations in science, technology, innovation and manufacturing.
Meeting and events -
Babbage Lecture Series
The Babbage Lecture Series includes lectures by leading figures associated with aspects of industrial Innovation. Details of forthcoming lectures and access to recordings of previous lectures are available.
Lecture booking and videos
Global connections
We convene a global network of experts through our Babbage Forum.
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